The Stillness


In the silence I heard them say,

Come sit awhile.

The dragonflies, birds, fish and trees.

There's nothing to do here and nowhere to be.

Yet you can find the world in your hand, there's so much to see.

If you wait here and listen,

wait and be told,  

We'll help you remember 

for you're very old.

You've only forgotten all that you are,

In the chaos around you,

the light dimmed from your star.

Stillness will bring back to your home.

You'll find it's within you,

There's no need to roam.

You can't be apart from all that you are,

You can only forget,

Which is why it feels far.

The Stillness we speak of will not always feel peaceful.

There is rage to be met here, pain and grief.

But when the Tempest has moved through, the scene will have changed. 

Into beauty reborn, strong and deep.

You do not need to struggle or punish yourself,

Offer penance for all that you've done.

You need only to breathe and come home to your heart.

Grace assures your right here,

There is not one thing to be won.

No black deed committed, 

despair, curse, or scar,

Could ever separate you

from the Love that you are.

So friends, sit in Stillness with us for awhile.

Let all that you meet here awaken.

The Divine that's within you,

Your Light and your Truth,

None of which now can ever be taken.

The demon says unworthy. 

The storm that says lost.

These are for your benefit, 

they are not cost.

They only remind where you once knew a lie.

And now as you love them,

They are set free to fly.

You knew these torments, limitations, and frights.

They were not hidden, they were clear in the light.

In the Shadow is waiting the freedom you seek.

In the place feared to enter, is all that you need.

Here is the peace, the riches and joy.

As you Love what you fear,

They are yours to employ.

So live your life fiercely, courageously feel,

Every wave that you meet, 

bliss or pain.

And in the embrace of your fullness set free,

Your wholeness you will regain.

Randi Liv