The World of Randi Liv
Hello and welcome!
I'm Randi Liv, a Writer, Artist, and Women’s Embodiment Coach, happily expressing my passion for life as the Renaissance Redhead.
The word Renaissance can of course, refer to the culture and style of art and architecture from roughly the 14th through the 17th century, but it also means a renewal of life, vigor, interest, a rebirth; a revival of learning, reawakening and restoration; a moral renaissance.
The definition of a Renaissance Woman is, a woman who is interested in and knows a lot about many things.
Well, I don't claim to know a lot about many things, but I do possess a good deal of knowledge about a myriad of subjects in which I have a passionate interest.
I have a radical devotion to living a way beyond average, big, beautiful life; in my Passion and Pleasure, where beauty and magic and delight are everyday occurrences.
There’s a reason why my personal motto is, “What lights you up will save you”. Because, a Well-Lived Life has been my heart’s deepest desire since I was very young.
So here is my beautiful, creative space to express and share my journey, what lights me up, and just plain-old trips my trigger, with the knowing that the Un-becoming of all I am not, the embodiment of my True Self, and the highest expression of my joy and aliveness, is a contribution to so many.
To say it was a time of renewal, restoration, and rebirth for me, would be a massive understatement.
I spent so much of my life disembodied, completely cut off from my feelings, emotions, and body. Wanting so desperately to be able to move forward into the life of my dreams, of freedom and creativity, of abundance and a higher purpose, but instead so stuck in doubt, limitation, self-loathing; fear, trauma and despair.
A series of losses and major traumas left me ripe for a dark night of the soul transformation -
I went from one modality to another in an effort to heal from childhood trauma, an eating disorder, severe depression, narcissistic abuse from a toxic relationship, and a debilitating chronic autoimmune illness; the loss of both my beloved cat who was like my child and the horse who had been my best friend since I was 12, all on top of watching my father die.
I was left shattered, diagnosed with PTSD, seriously sick, exhausted, and heartbroken beyond the telling.
Desperately attempting to create the life of my dreams and outrun the heartache of feeling my life was passing me by, overwhelmed by the phantom voices constantly telling me I was never going to have the magical, abundant, soul-fulfilling life I so deeply desired.
Already I had been waking up along the way on my spiritual journey, to the idea that life happens for us, not to us, so I was willing to move towards the pain, the darkness, the devastation. Not because I was so enlightened, or brave. Rather, because as I sifted through the ashes in the aftermath of the scorching blaze that had consumed me, finding only charred fragments of both the life I had and the one I thought I would have, I realized, the only way out, was through.
As the wonderful Joseph Campbell was quoted, in the 1991 work, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion, edited by Diane K. Osbon -
It is by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.Where you stumble,
there lies your treasure.The very cave you are afraid to enter
turns out to be the source of
what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave
that was so dreaded
has become the center.You find the jewel,
and it draws you off.In loving the spiritual,
you cannot despise the earthly.
I had a very clear awareness that my Heroine's Journey would require of me exactly that- going into the cave I feared to enter. It was not, however, a quick or smooth voyage for me.
The remnants of who I was and what I wanted, or rather, the old stories and illusions of who I thought I was, and what I thought I wanted, had to be pried out of my white-knuckled fingers, one frayed tendril at a time.
In my extreme duress, I turned to everything I could think of; therapy, meditation, Tapping, energy healing, chakra cleansing, countless self-help books and courses; special diets and supplements to try to heal my inflamed body.
While many of those practices were needed for a time and contributed to my healing, eventually my spiritual ego hijacked the journey and put me on the hamster wheel of never-ending seeking, striving, and “trying” to heal and fix myself, turning my life into a massive self-improvement project.
I realized that I had become really powerful in my ability to move and transmute energy, create heart-brain coherence, heal my inner child, and that was exactly my path for a while; all was right and perfect in how I had experienced my journey up until then. But I was spending much less time focusing on what I actually wanted, on the life I wanted to embody.
What started to effect the greatest inner and outer change, was when I gradually began opening to a far more radical version of self-love, embracing all that I was experiencing- even the darkest, most hot mess-train wreck versions of myself, and letting go of the belief that any of this required hard work, effort, or that I had to heal myself.
I finally listened to the soft whisper of my heart that there had to be another way; kinder, easier, more simple and gentle. And I stopped all the busyness to ask…
What if I was already healed, I had done enough, and I could just live my life NOW?
So that became my commitment, to make the choice that I had done ENOUGH; I was already Perfect, Whole, and Complete, and always had been. And now it was time to bring my Mind in service of the Body I had learned how to so beautifully presence, and anchor into what is now my foundational practice; YES, AND.
YES, to whatever comes up for me in the present, 3D-reality, with compassionate, willing acceptance; no need to resist, judge, or fix.
AND, then choose to focus on what I truly want to have, do, or be, in that sweet spot of determined devotion and easeful allowing, connecting with the reality of it internally so that it effortlessly manifests from the inside out.
As I have expanded in my ability to relax, breathe, and connect with my Heart and what was going on in my body and the infinite wisdom that resides there, a space started to expand where knowledge, assistance, and opportunities flowed in at just the right times.
All of the sudden, after years of massive internal growth and healing in my inner landscape but very slow change in my outer life, things started to change very quickly, with absolutely beautiful levels of joy and ease.
My writing, art, and creative work began to effortlessly flow and inspire me, my experience of joy and pleasure and vision for my work unfolded before me. And I made the choice to live out as a life motto, one of my favorite quotes, from Elise de Wolfe-
“I am going to make everything around me beautiful, that will be my life.”
And that brought me to one of my greatest gifts - assisting amazing, open-hearted women, to finally step into a life they love, as a Women’s Embodiment Coach who specializes in what I call Authentic Manifesting.
Because it gives me so much joy and fulfillment to see other women to step into their Wholeness, Power, and their heart’s desires.
I now live in the beautiful countryside of Minnesota with my two Ragdoll kittens, surrounded by nature and serenity in a home that inspires and delights me.
And so many more exciting, juicy, delicious things to savor and revel in are on the way!
So that will be a big part of what I share in this space dear friends; that Life is always on our side, that moving through the difficulties and receiving the blissful can be far easier that we think, and that we are all meant to have, a Well-Lived Life.
Come join me and we'll journey together.