Will you answer the call to peace?


World Peace Prayer -The Renaissance Redhead

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100% of all proceeds goes directly to Gaza Relief Aid

  This is not my usual post. I previously rarely spoke out about current global or political issues; for one thing, as a manifesting coach, writer, teacher, and thought leader, obviously I believe in a different perspective.

That not only are our individual lives a reflection of who we believe ourselves to be, but that we also have a far greater effect on world events and the collective Consciousness than most people are led to believe.

And while this is a perspective that I cannot separate from, for it is the lens through which I see absolutely everything in my inner and outer life, I do think it's important to be careful how we share these things, and to do so in such a way that does not come across as gaslighting, bypassing, or spiritual elitism.

Also, as a white American woman who has never lived through war, I generally don't wish to speak about that which I have not experienced. 

I have experienced fear though. 

And Trauma.

And abuse and life or death situations that I wasn't sure I would get through.

But this time I have a vested interest. And I cannot stay silent on this issue.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”

At the time of the publication of this article on December 7th, 2023, over 17,177 Palestinians have been murdered since October 7th, 2023. And in these past two months, my eyes have been permanently opened and my heart, mindset, and beliefs have been drastically and irrevocably changed.

  As a child, I grew up in a household where I was spoon-fed so called traditional Christian-Judeo values (i.e. Zionist) and a Republican political perspective (though I am no longer either a Christian nor a Republican). I was taught that the Jews are God’s chosen people, that Israel is their sacred land, and anything or anyone in opposition to that was bad or wrong or even evil. 

 While I let go of such a narrow perspective many years ago into more of a place of neutrality after I left the church and religion of my family, I was not in a position to really understand a different viewpoint, for the sole reason of lack of exposure and access to the greater truth.

 Then a few years ago, a beautiful thing happened and I grew to know and love a Muslim man from an Arab country; this changed my perspective and beliefs greatly.

 Because my heart opened from love, and through that love came curiosity, compassion, and a willingness to learn and see something different. I gained so much wisdom and insight into another culture and religion, and a great love and respect was awakened within me for the Muslim people and the Quran.

 And I discovered that like many of us in Western culture, the narrative that we are fed through religion or mainstream media is a far cry from the truth or facts in any way.

 A very small and narrow perspective used to manipulate and control. And things are not black and white, not on either side.

Not even from a 3D perspective.

And then after October 7th, things changed for me in a far greater way.

Prior to the events of that day, I already had such a love and respect for the Muslim people, but like so many good-hearted, regular people in America and other Western countries, I had no idea what the situation in Palestine was really like, and how long it has been that way. Until these events unfolded and the truth came out. And the truth that I learned shocked and horrified me, woke me up, and continues to break my heart every single day since.

I learned of the Nakba, the catastrophe that fell upon the Palestinian people in 1948, where over 750,000 Palestinians were brutally forced from their homes and land. Many were killed, women were raped, villages destroyed. And it's a catastrophe that  continues to this day.

I learned that Israel is not only an illegal occupation and has been committing war crimes and violations of International law for many years, but also that the government and the military are a brutal and unjust force. They themselves becoming the terrorists they claim to fight, and bringing down upon others, a Holocaust that they themselves once endured.

I learned that despite Israel's claim they're only trying to fight Hamas, the violation of human rights, the persecution, torture, dehumanization, and murder of the Palestinians in the West Bank has been increasing.

Even though there are no Hamas in the West Bank.

I learned that innocent children as young as nine years old are being shot by IOF soldiers and killed for no reason.

I learned that for decades, Palestinians have been and are being imprisoned, often held without any charges, almost always without legal representation, many times indefinitely. Interrogated, tortured, and in many cases, sexually assaulted. This type of unthinkable, heinous assault includes men and children as young as 12 years old.

That the world including the American government has known about this wrongful imprisonment and barbaric assault for many years, and continues to turn a blind eye.

Despite many people's claims that this current war is only in retaliation for the events of October 7th, I have seen hundreds of videos and articles at this point, documenting the fact that Israel not only knew about the attack prior to it happening, they actually attacked the Palestinians before that. And directly lied about the facts of the aftermath. I have seen documentation both in written form and in the form of political leaders directly saying, that their actual plan is to remove Palestinians completely, to seize the land, the economic resources, the connections to a new canal and so many other things I couldn't begin to list.

  I continue to feel so unspeakably heartbroken.

Unthinkably rageful, at the injustice, the blatant lies, and not merely apathy of world leaders but the willing participation through funds, weapons, and compliance in the continuation of this horrific genocide and repression of an entire race and culture of people.

And learning the truth about the situation in Palestine is not the only thing that has shocked and enraged me.

I have also learned to my utter astonishment, the lies, corruption, and inhumane actions of our own government.

The influence that AIPAC has had over us for decades, literally legal bribery, allowing another country to hold influence over our own country and our interests.

The way our government has influenced mainstream media and allowed outright lies to be told, not just about this current situation, but again, for decades.

The involvement that they have had in overseas wars from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan, not to mention the involvements in Southeast Asia during the '60s and '70s, all in the name of fighting some threat to our country, when none of that was actually the case.

Millions of innocent people dead, because of lies, greed, and corruption.

I was devastated and shattered when I learned all of this, because like so many Americans who just didn't have access to the truth, I was under the mistaken impression that we lived in a predominantly moral country.

With many amazing freedoms, not the least of which I assumed being the right to free speech. Another shock to discover, that is not actually a thing here.

In less than 2 months, it has become almost illegal and by our own governments declaration, anti-semitic to be Pro-palestinian.

To simply speak up for people who are being senselessly killed, to condemn a genocide, has becoming a massively controversial and often dangerous point of view.

And to say Free Palestine or From the River to the Sea, has been declared a call to terror, instead of the inspirational call to freedom and the vision of equality and a peaceful existence that it actually is.

People are losing their jobs over this, children are being suspended from school for saying these things.

Well, I don't care what the government says.

As I show through my World Peace Collection, which is designed to send donations directly to Gaza, I am more than happy to keep uttering those words.

What is going on in our country, when congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who is a Palestinian representative from Michigan, is censured by our government for simply advocating for the freedom and protection of her people; however, during a speech by Angie Nixon from Florida who tearfully exclaimed, “how many (dead) Palestinians is enough,” Michelle Salzman, another Florida representative, shouted out, "all of them," and she was not punished at all?

From the perspective of my 3D human self, what the hell has happened to our country?

What has happened to our constitutional right to free speech?

What has happened to justice and freedom for all?

The grief and outrage I have felt over all of this, over all of these illusions shattering at once, is beyond my ability to coherently communicate.

There should be laws and standards of equality and protection.

But if those standards are not the same for all, then the standards for some mean nothing.

I have felt the utter frustration, anger, and ultimately loneliness and isolation in the face of friends and family refusing to look at these undisputed facts. 

Claiming to be so-called Christians, hiding behind the parts in the Bible that they cherry-pick and choose to believe in, saying that they are pro-life, and pro-Israel. 

But are they really pro-life, or are they anti-abortion?

 Because how could any so-called Christian stand with a country or government who is murdering thousands and thousands of innocent children, and claim to be pro-life? How could Christians use parts of the Bible to justify that Israel has a right to do what they're doing, and yet overlook the parts of the Bible that say, Thou shalt not kill, and love thy neighbor as thyself?

Thou shalt not steal, or oppress.

 And, suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.

The the hypocrisy of so-called Christians has been astonishing. And while I'm speaking about so-called Christians, I'm going to add this in case any of them ever happen upon this essay.

If Jesus came back in human form today, would he stand with Israel? 

Would he shake hands with the government leaders, and walk through the land and say, well done? Thank you for taking this land, no matter the cost, because God Wills It. 

Does that sound like anyone else history has recorded? How many atrocities have been committed in the name of, God Wills It? From the Crusades to the Inquisition and beyond; the list is sickeningly long. 

If Jesus of the Bible came back today in human form, I guarantee you, Christians would not even recognize him. Because he would be in Palestine, his homeland, tending to those murdered children and their families.

And if they think that the first words out of his mouth would be anything other than ‘Free Palestine’, they haven’t actually paid attention to his teachings.

Though his foundational message was one of love and forgiveness and peace, of non-duality and inclusivity and the ultimate version of humanity, Jesus himself aggressively stood up in the face of injustice and corruption. The Jesus of the Bible would unequivocally stand with the Palestinian people.

Because what the Christians often forget, is that while Jesus was ethnically Jewish, he was in fact, Palestinian as well.

Which is why Palestinian Christians have cancelled Christmas celebrations this year in Jesus birthplace, Bethleham, according to Lutheran pastor Munther Ishaq. “…It’s impossible to celebrate when there is a massacre, a genocide, taking place in Gaza with our people,” he states.

The fact that Jesus himself was both Jewish and Palestinian should be even more so the reason to allow a peaceful coexistence and accept the fact that none of us have claim to any of this land.

Any of this earth. Other than to be the honorable stewards of it.

None have claim. And all have claim.

I have also learned many other things in the last 2 months.

That the Palestinians are a beautiful, strong, kind-hearted people. With a rich culture and deep traditions, a great love of the land, and their history.

I learned how fiercely they love their children. How dedicated they are to their education.

Because for many of them, they see their child's education and ability to speak English as one of the only ways for Palestine to have a future, where these children can go out into the world, if they're lucky enough to be able to do so, as a sort of ambassador, to show the intelligence and resourcefulness and great vision of these courageous people.

I learned how bright and full of zest for Life their children are. And so passionately committed to each other, even the very young sometimes looking after even younger siblings with a presence and caring beyond their tender years.

I learned of the strength and compassion of the men. I have seen so many videos of regular men out in the streets, in their t-shirts and sandals, straining themselves beyond belief to rescue each other out from under the rubble.

And what has impressed me most, is that these men are so unabashed in their affection and support of each other.

Holding each other as they weep, kissing each other on the cheek, showing up for each other over and over.

Such beautiful displays of healthy masculine emotion, that is seen more rarely, even in so-called progressive Western countries. Where men are often afraid of such displays of affection for fear of being seen as gay or weak.

And I learned of the extraordinary life force of the women.

Who in the face of unimaginable loss, holding their dead babies, still proclaim, Ya Allah, Allahu Akbar.

Which means, God is great. God is greater than this suffering and this pain. God is greater than all.

I have been amazed to hear so many of these incredible people, say that they have no hate in their heart. That they don't wish revenge on anyone, that they just want to be left to live in peace, on their land.

To have the same rights and freedoms and access to human necessities that everyone else in the world deserves.

I know that is not the case for all of them. And I also know if it was me, even with my spiritual beliefs, I would find it incredibly difficult if not impossible, to not hate those who had taken everything with such cruelty.

To not succumb to despair and grief and hopelessness.

If I was a young child in that world, standing there seeing my entire family wiped out in one moment from an indiscriminate bomb strike, I cannot imagine that I would not grow up to fight for my country, that I would not do anything until the unjust occupation from a corrupt nation ended, and my people had the same rights and freedoms as anyone in the world deserves to expect.

And to any who do feel that way, I can only offer that even those darkest of feelings are worthy of the deepest love and most compassionate validation.

I have been humbled and inspired beyond my ability to articulate, even as a writer, as I have watched these incredible people navigate this experience, and their entire history.

To witness such grace and faith in the midst of such hell.

While I feel a certain amount of gratitude to be liberated from my lack of exposure to the truth, what I have been and continue to struggle so deeply with, is how to reconcile these very normal human reactions to all of this, with the spiritual beliefs and practices that I both live by and teach.

I am very well aware of that many in the manifesting and spirituality community when confronted with this question, have responded by saying things like, “well wars and genocide and injustices like that are not a part of my world. Just go to the end, live in a reality where there's always peace.”

And while I do believe in the power we have as conscious creators, because I have seen for myself the power of that creative force in first hand, lived experiences; I have manifested profound change in my life, in relationships with others, I have even manifested objects out of thin air; that approach for me personally does not sit well in the slightest.

I have also felt very hurt and let down by many of the spiritual leaders and teachers that I have followed for years, none of whom, as far as I can tell, have spoken out against this horrific situation at all.

And that led me to really meeting this deep conundrum I feel within myself. How do I reconcile the Divinity I know to be true, with the humanity I find so incredibly painful and confusing?

And I would like to tell you that I was led to some profound realization. That I figured it out in a nutshell and I can put it into a pithy Instagram post.

 But I have not realized anything of the sort.

Every day when I wake up, I check Instagram to make sure that Motaz and Bisan and so many of the other brave journalists and photographers that I've gotten to know and love in the last 2 months, are still alive.
I save the videos I see, I comment to help boost reach, I share them with others.

Every day I have moments where I sob.

Where I cry for the people I see suffering. Where I allow myself to fully feel my own grief and loss for who I thought I was, and the world I thought I lived in.

Then I show up for this body that is feeling all of those things, with love and presence and compassion.

The way you would care for a tender, exhausted, confused child.

I do breathwork and meditation and heart brain coherence. I get outside and walk in nature. I let myself receive comfort and nourishment. I go within and I connect with that highest vision, of a world where kindness and peace and integrity rule.

I remind myself that my dimensionally greater self is holding that vision with me, as I choose to keep recognizing it.

And then, I show up, back in the human experience.

I will keep writing.

I will keep creating videos and promoting others. I will keep speaking out.

I will keep making new designs to raise funds for Gaza.

I will keep listening to my heart, I will keep doing my best.

The best I can say right now, is that yes, I believe those of us who are called to this spiritual path and are aware of these greater Universal laws, have the responsibility to hold the line in a sense. To hold the vision of a world where justice and peace win out.

Where there are honorable leaders, equality and freedom for everyone, and humanity is thriving. We absolutely have the responsibility to continually identify with that end, and hold that vision. However, if we as spiritual people, are not able to bring the recognition and embodiment of our divine nature and ground it into our human experience in order to make this 3D world a better place for ourselves and others, then what is the Goddamn point?

What is the point of spirituality, if we are not using it for the betterment of humanity? And so for me what that looks like, is to first, remember our Divinity. That we are all God.

Not an aspect of God, but God in the entirety. For wherever God is, the whole of God must be. That we all have access to the wholeness and completion and power of the I AM that I AM, right now. In every moment.

And then, to have the courage to meet these very painful, confusing, and disruptive human thoughts, feelings and emotions. To meet them as God meets them; with compassion, and non-judgement, and curiosity. To realize that these human experiences are not in the way, they are the way.

We are here to acknowledge and embrace the current reality of the human experience, and then, call forth the from the infinite field of all that is, what we desire to experience next, as the knowing of our true Divine nature.

Out beyond my very intense human experiences of anger, confusion and heartbreak, is an experience that transcends all of that. 

The experience of Love. 

Not some airy-fairy white privilege "love and light and Namaste" version of love, but the actual truth of Love, the Love that we all are.

The love that sees no separation but only oneness, the God that is us all. 

There is only one Source of creation, one Source from which flows everything that we see.

Which is God. Which is Love, pure unconditioned Awareness. Consciousness itself.

And when we see anything that is unlike love, it's actually only because that power of Source, is flowing through a filter, a lens that is unlike itself.

A lens of fear or hate, or that original wound, believing that we are separate from that source of love, as God.

Every form of suffering or violence; every evil deed, war, and atrocity; all forms of harm, lack, or injustice, all come from the very same place- a misidentification of self.

It would not be possible for anyone to truly harm another, if they saw who they truly are, and that each seeming other, is also them.

We are all here on this giant rock, spinning through space.

We are all part of that same Oneness that is God, that IS Love.

And so as that oneness, I pray for Palestine. I stand with them. With those beautiful, resilient, devout people that I have fallen so in love with.

Their courage and unshakeable faith, and heart-shattering ability to persevere in the face of unthinkable pain and loss.

And also, I pray for the people of so-called Israel. I pray that they remember their own humanity which they clearly have been so cut off from. And that they realize that NEVER AGAIN applies to EVERYONE, or it applies to NO ONE. Although from now on I will refer to that land as Occupied Palestine, and will hold the vision for the dissolution of the vile government, military, and apartheid state.

I pray for all those who deserve freedom, peace, and well-being, which is everyone; all other Souls on this planet, for Humanity.

And I pray for those who have forgotten that to hurt another, is to hurt yourself, for we are all beautiful parts of the same whole. There is no such thing as a winnable war.

I pray for peace.

And when I say pray, I do not mean, “sending thoughts and prayers…” Ugh. No.

I mean I pray as Jesus actually taught. From the original Aramaic- “Whatsoever you ask for straightly and directly in my name, you shall be given. So far you have not done this. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer, that your joy may be full.”

“…Ask in My Name.” The name of God, which is Consciousness, I AM. I am THAT I AM, I am who I declare myself to be. Not to ask in the name of the small self who sees itself as weak or separate. Ask in the name of our True Nature, who is unlimited.

“…Without hidden motive.” Meaning, without judgment or rejection of conditions, or being identified with the old state of lack and limitation or that original wound; the illusory wound of separation from Source, where something is missing and must somehow be acquired.

“…Be surrounded by your answer.” This what Neville taught in one line, to live in the end. To embody the state of already being what and who you desire to be, and to remain in that consciousness of it. The awareness of being it.

To continually return to the recognition that it is already done, and to rest in the genuine gratitude of that knowing.

And so that is I how I do my best to pray each day; to see a world through the eyes of God, of love, with justice and freedom and peace for everyone.

Peace for you my individual Lovelie, who's reading this, and, peace for all Souls.

As Rumi said-

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I'll meet you there.” 

Will you meet me in that field, Lovelie?

Will you stand with your identity firmly in the recognition of the pure, unconditioned Awareness/Source/God that you are, yet also be bravely willing to both feel your sacred pain, and, witness with compassion the suffering and misunderstanding of others?

It takes great courage to be fully aware and embrace the Divine identity we truly possess, while still being able to navigate the human experience. Without being pulled into the so-called “reality” of it, or, bypassing it entirely in the name of “enlightenment”.

Those of us who can hold that line and embody that awareness; to me, that's what it actually means to be a Lightworker. Not hiding behind “high vibrations” or escaping into dissociative spiritual practices.

As we’re courageous enough to end our own war within and meet our own heartache, grief, anger, and hate the way God meets it, which is with a sacred tenderness, we liberate each seeming “other” to do the same.

This path is not for the faint of heart, sweet one.

But you are strong enough, my love, I know you are. As am I.

We were made for this moment. And we are one.

May each of us come come home to our power and true nature as God, and may we see peace in our lifetime.

And as always, Free Palestine.

As-salaam 'alykum.

السلام عليكم

Read more content on Palestine here